Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's been awhile, I know...

Here's a couple to get your day started:

1)  Do crowded elevators smell different to midgets?

2)  Do gay guys douche, too?

Oh, Vaughn also told me yesterday that I was his "walking dictionary".  I'm not sure if that is a compliment or a curse, but I love him... :)

Happy Hump-day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Under the Influence

He's back in the game folks!  I was getting a little worried that Vaughn was feeling a little bit of pressure after finding out that I created this blog about all the ridiculous shit he says...but he lived up to his reputation this past Saturday.  With the help of lots of beer and liquor (dare I mention the two fuzzy navels) the term "Vaughn Vocabulary" was born.  Move over, Webster.  There's a new guy on the block - and he likes prissy drinks...

Shall we begin today's lesson in Vaughn Vocabulary? 

1) Animant - aka, Adamant
2) Interlude - aka, Introduce
3) Fahlupa / Chalupa - aka, Loofah
4) Curricleum - aka, Curriculum
5) Gucci & Grabana - aka, Dolce & Gabana
6) Sodium Supinite - aka, Sodium Sulfite
7) Prenumcious (this is actually how he spelled it in a text) - aka, Presumptuous

I really wish you all could see the spelling / grammar errors when I post is quite colorful on my end!

And finally, a visual of how the evening progressed...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Did I Give Him a Complex?

I'm not sure if creating this blog gave Vaughn cold feet, but he certainly wasn't up to par this weekend with stupid comments. Maybe the pressure is getting to him?  Only two...

1) "I'm like a super-hero without the cape, protecting the patrons." (In reference to his role as door guy at Speakeasy.)

2) "I wonder what Captain Hook's name was before he lost his hand?"

Friday, April 29, 2011

Just to name a few...

To get this going, I'll list some of the more recent ones -

1.  You know how you have to squint your eyes to see better sometimes, does that mean that Chinese people can see good all the time?

2.  Do birds have a pussy?  (Just so ya know, I cringed while I typed that.)

3.  If I flapped my arms fast enough, do you think I could fly?

Did You Really Just Say That?

That is the question I find myself asking Vaughn on a daily basis.  And although I wonder if I need to take him to Oz to get a brain sometimes - I laugh... a lot ...while mumbling, "Did you really just say that?"

*Churching up Vaughn's thoughts would just take away from my amusement.